Reiki is a Japanese technique used to promote healing, encourage relaxation and reduce stress. It is a simple laying on of hands therapy (there is no massage involved) that directs the "spiritually guided life energy" that the Reiki practitioner has been attuned to channel by the Reiki Master. Reiki is extremely calming and relaxing and helps to rebalance the systems and energy centres (chakras) of the body. As long as the client is happy, I also like to enhance a reiki session with the use of crystals. Crystals are more than just pretty stones! Each stone has it's own vibration and healing properties that can assist with the balancing of the subtle energies. I find that crystal therapy and reiki complement each other perfectly. During a treatment, I will assess the chakras and the subtle energy of the aura, clearing and balancing were necessary using both reiki and crystals.