This is a wonderfully gentle and deeply relaxing treatment in which hollow tubes made from linen and beeswax are placed gently into the outer ear canal. Ear Candles have been used in many Ancient civilisations to clear the mind and the senses prior to meditation and it was much later than this that it's therapeutic, physical benefits were realised. The treatment involves one end of the Ear Candle being placed into the ear while the other end is lit, creating a mild chimney effect which gently and naturally encourages any unwanted residues to make its way out of the ear in it's own time. Please note that the candles do not "suck" anything out of your ear canal as is sometimes suggested and there is a filter in the narrow end that is placed into the ear to ensure that nothing falls into the ear itself. Once both ears have been treated, I finish with a holistic face massage (with or without oils) to aid lymphatic drainage. Candling can aid stress relief in general and may also reduce the discomfort experienced from certain conditions. If you would like to know if ear candling could help you, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Contraindications As with all treatments, there are occasions when Ear Candling is unsuitable for use. It is very important to inform your therapist prior to treatment if you have any of the following; Ear infection Inflammation of the ear or the areas around the ears. Grommets. Recent surgery on the ears, sinuses or anywhere on the face. Perforated ear drum. Allergy to beeswax
Please note that these are just some of the conditions that could contraindicate this particular treatment. All medical conditions should be disclosed at your consultation. The treatment is first and foremost intended for relaxation so if you have any ear problems or problems with your hearing then you should visit your GP or an audiologist.